Clock Re-Assembled and Running

Started today by permanently gluing the 67 pinion rods in place and mounting the wheels on the arbors.  Initially, the clock ran intermittently.  Inspection revealed that more lacquer than expected had seeped under the masking tape on some of the great wheel teeth, so I lightly sanded them, re-assembled the clock again and it ran much better. 

Finished & Re-Assembled Clock Running 😊

I did not get to the hardware store to buy the bass tube that I need until late today, so I used the tube I had and will replace it tomorrow.

As I write this, the clock has been running well for over 4 hours and I am hopeful it will still be running tomorrow morning.

The plan for tomorrow is to replace the brass tube bearing that is too short, permanently glue the arbors to the frame and trim the pallet forks to their final lengths.   After that, the only things left to do is check that the clock runs consistently and adjust the length of the torsional spring until it keeps good time.