First Half of the Torsional Pendulum Sanded – Looking Good

Sanding, checking the assembly, gluing and more sanding was the order of the day as I worked on the torsional pendulum.   I started by sanding by hand but soon realized that I needed a better solution so I designed and constructed a fixture to hold half the torsional pendulum in the lathe and use the lathe to sand it.  

Fixture holding half the torsional pendulum for sanding

I started with 60 grit and proceeded through 120, 220 and 400 grit to smooth the surface of the first half.

Torsional pendulum after sanding with 400 grit sandpaper
External surface of the torsional pendulum
Internal surface of the torsional pendulum

There are still a few surface imperfections that I will sand out.   I plan to do this tomorrow after I have sanded the other half of the torsional pendulum and can mate both halves of the pendulum and sanded the joint.